As far as the detailing went, I thought at first that I would add a lighthouse, anchor, wheel and sailboat to each corner. Not being a good free-lance artist I came up with a better idea. Nautical flags!!! They're simple and look like a quilt block. I googled 'Nautical Flags' and came up with four that you see shown in the corners. They all have a meaning in the sailing world. The one on the top is known as 'Charlie' and means Yes or Affirmative, Change of Course
The one on the left is called 'Lima' and means Come within Hail or Follow Me
The one on the right is called 'Zulu' and means 20% Scoring Penalty
The final nautical flag located on the bottom is called 'Mike' and means Mark Missing
I'm looking forward to hanging this on their home and then quizzing them on the meaning of the nautical flags. That way I can determine how much knowledge they know about sailing!!!