
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Another barn quilt challenge!

For those who follow my blog you will recall the flag barn quilt I did, in which I super-imposed a Puerto Rica flag over a British flag, to honor the heritage of a co-worker, named Nellie, and her husband.  This was a challenge to take the British flag, which is rectangular, and re-shape it to fit a square board.  I copied and pasted an image of the flag onto my microsoft word program on the computer and did my re-shaping.

Nellie then asked me if I could do two 1x1 barn quilts, one depicting the British side and the other the Puerto Rican side.  She wanted me to replicate a british rose!  I came up with a photo of a quilted british rose and used it as a guide.  There was a lot of intricate taping involved to come up with a suitable likeness of petals.  All in all, in came out fairly good.
Now she wanted a image to remind her of Puerto Rico.  She said that the hibiscus flower is very coming there and asked if I could do that on a board.   I scoured the internet for an image of a hibiscus in a quilt pattern.  I came up with nothing.  I then searched under 'hibiscus line drawing' and came up with a line drawing of a hibiscus.  I printed out the drawing and, with an Exacto knife, cut out the petals and drew the petals on the board.   The rest of the painting was done free-hand.  The result came out better than I expected!
I've now been commissioned to make a barn quilt for someone who makes home-made wine.  I'm taking a series of photo's as I progress with it and will do a blog showing how it was done.

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