
Sunday, November 28, 2010


I can't believe that November is almost over and didn't realize that I haven't published anything.  There really isn't any excuse for it.  I have been busy with a number of things dealing with barn quilts so I would like to share them with you.

I was cleaning out my garage earlier in the month and came up with an old sign board that use to hang by our front door.  Since I had hung the Lamoyne Star I had to remove the sign board.  You may be able to see the shadow that remained after I removed the sign board to the right of the barn quilt.  The board had original said 'The Snow's Homestead, David & Sandra, Est. 1976.  The board had hung in that spot for 34 years!!!

I didn't want to throw the sign board away, so I thought that it would be cool to paint a quilt block pattern on it and give it new life.  I thought for a while what block pattern to use.  I finally came up with my favorite block pattern which is the Mariner's Compass.  I also thought that it would be cool to replicate the Mariner's Compass that I have hanging on the side of my house.  Three days and some intricate taping and painting with small modeling brushes I completed the 7" x 7" version that you see in the photo's.  I'm very proud of myself with the results!

I was also busy this month adding to my new website to promote my new barn quilt business.  Thanks to my brother in law, Wayne, he was able to get me set up and running.  You can view my website by clicking on Barn Quilts by Dave to the right of my blog page. 

I hope that everyone had a happy thanksgiving with their families.  It is important to stay connected with your family and friends and cherish the times together. 

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